For my unborn child

You are but a seed
A tiny glimmer of hope
An underlying need
A piece of string without the rope.

You are what I long for
And for us it takes so long
But when we finally get there
You will be greeted with a song.

I was told by the beyond
That you would come my way
But that I had to be patient
And persist with life each day.

As I watched those around me
Achieve what I wanted most
My burning desire within
Was delivered by a ghost.

For I am thankful everyday
For the gift I grow inside
The gift of a small life
Which my smile cannot hide.

For you will be here soon
And we can’t wait to meet you Grace
For your mummy and your daddy
Eagerly await your tiny face.

N.B – After three failed IVF attempts I fell naturally with my beautiful daughter Grace. I wrote this for her before she was born.