
I tend to get this feeling
In the bottom of my heart
It tells me when to do things
And when something is not smart.

I think they call this instinct
And I tend to follow this
It lead me straight to you
And your tender, loving kiss.

Yet, for some reason lately
It has tended to jump in
And tell me something’s wrong
For some reason you won’t let me in.

Inside your head and heart
Where your thoughts tend to be
I want to hear what they say
When they think of me.

I am learning body language
And particular character traits
Yet when I speak of us
This is something your mind hates.

For it seems to buckle up
And not know what to say
So I sit here and wait patiently
For another day.

When I hope that you can tell me
Exactly what you feel
And that the feelings seen in you
For me are not surreal.