Married for life

Today we become husband and wife.
A partnership entered into for life.
And while in our case this will also be true.
I know my love that our days together are few.
And even though you will not be with me.
I will know my love that your soul is free.
I will get up each day with the rising of the sun.
And I will know that there is a job to be done.
I will keep you alive in everything I do.
With each passing day I promise to learn something new.
I will wear this ring with pride and love.
And I will I know in my heart that you are watching me from above.
So no matter how much time we may have left.
Today is our day and I will not be bereft.
For I am marrying the man I will love for life.
So please know my love we will always be husband and wife.

N.B – Written for a couple who were married in hospital when her soon to be husband found out he was dying.