Brave & Strong

Be brave, be strong, be bold
Don’t let them see you cry
Stand tall amongst your brothers
I don’t want to hear the words good bye.

They tell you when put on your uniform
That you have chosen the good fight
But what they do not tell you
Is to fight isn’t always right.

You will be asked to turn a blind eye
To keep the secrets of the past
You will fight for hope and freedom
That forever will not last.

While we thank you for your sacrifice
And we thank you for your service
What we will never be able to do
Is take back what makes you nervous.

No one can take away the memories Or take away the strain
We will never know
How much war has caused you pain.

For all of those who have fought
You are an inspiration
As we try to believe that sending young people off to war
Is for the good of our great nation.

From living rooms and driveways
Monuments, schools and homes
We say thank you to the men and women
For our children free to roam.

Today is ANZAC day
A day to honour the lives we have lost
And remember that our freedom
It comes with a high cost.